Sleep disorders are more common than one may think. There are many people in the United States who suffer from one these problems like insomnia or snoring, but one of the most known and dangerous disorders is sleep apnea in which people stop breathing several times during the night for around one minute. There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central, and mixed. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when there is a blockage of the airway. In central sleep apnea, the airway is not blocked but the brain can not signal the muscles to breathe. The mixed sleep apnea combines the two previous cases.

In any case, it is the brain that makes people with sleep apnea snoring problems wake up so they can start breathing again, but the sleep is already interrupted and becomes too fragmented and has poor quality, causing people to feel too tired or weak the next morning because they could not sleep properly, and therefore they will not have the energy they need for their daily activities whether they are working at their office, studying at high school or university or any other kind of activity like practicing sports or working at home. Sleep experts advise chronic snorers or people who have sleep apnea to avoid central nervous system depressants like alcoholic beverages, sedatives, and narcotics. Surgery could also benefit some patients if the narrowing of the airway is caused by anatomical defects.

They also advise people who are looking for sleep apnea snoring help to get a sleep apnea Sleeping pillow. The Better Sleep Pillow can be considered a sleep apnea pillow because it was precisely created to help people who suffer from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. This pillow was specially designed to help you stop snoring and reduce sleep apnea episodes. The basic idea is very simple, no matter, if you are a side sleeper, stomach or back sleeper, this kind of pillow, can evenly distribute and reduce pressure on your arm, shoulder, and neck. This way you can maintain a correct posture of the head, neck, and spine, which helps you breathe better since your airway passages will be open as much as possible, providing you uninterrupted breathing while you are sleeping, reducing snoring and sleep apnea.

This great pillow has proven to be of great help for people who suffered from snoring problems or other kinds of sleep disorders and had years without being able to sleep quietly and comfortably because they used to wake up in the middle of the night over and over again for several reasons. This memory foam sleep pillow has made their lives much easier, especially when it is time to sleep.

By Olivia

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