Do you remember the first time you met a dog? He was fresh and new and you were just getting to know each other. You trained together and probably ate together. Over time you and your dog have become very close. You are much closer than many people you know. Your dog ids is special to you. He can be your best friend, a vicious prankster, or an accessory to your lifestyle. He depends on you to feed, play and discipline. You depend on him for companionship, connection with the animal world, or for the safety and protection of your home. For this reason, you should give your dog a dog tag to protect it from harm and protect yourself from loss.

The dog tag attaches to the dog’s leash and provides all the information the dog needs to call, contact the owner, and notify people of any dietary restrictions for the dog. Some dog tags include vaccination information, such as when your dog had his last shot, and some municipalities require this.


Once you’ve decided what information to add to your dog tag, it’s time to choose one that fits your style and needs. If you want to tag your dog with basic information, plain plastic tags are fine. However, if you want to add a personal touch, consider giving your dog silver, gemstone, gold or diamond dog tags. Yes it exists. You can even customize and shape your dog tags to your liking. Some dog tag manufacturers may also laser engrave a photo on the tag. Perhaps a picture of you and your beloved pet.

Dog tags range in price from free or a few dollars to over 7,500 diamond dog tags. Whatever your preference, there’s a dog tag for your furry friend.

By Olivia

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